Crauderueff works with property owners to facilitate subscriptions to off-site solar projects in New York and New Jersey. Through our program, Community Solar saves money for your properties and your tenants.
Benefits include:
Guaranteed savings
No capital cost
No construction to manage
We have large networks of solar providers in each state so we can match you with the right project and optimize savings.
How Community Solar Works
Each ‘subscriber’ that signs up for your Community Solar program receives bill credit savings for their ‘share’ of the solar system built off-site.
The solar project owner bills each subscriber at a discount from the electric bill credit.
The result is guaranteed savings to the properties/households.
Example monthly savings are demonstrated below.
Community Solar for Houses of Worship
Free Assessment
Please fill out the form below and we will schedule a 15 minute consultation. We will conduct a free assessment and estimate the savings of solar subscriptions to your properties.
Household and Church Sign Up Form
To be assigned to a solar development, please provide us with the below information. We must asses power availability within your utility area based on your historical demand. If there is solar capacity within your area, we will then send you an agreement. Your guaranteed savings then follow.
Bill Copy Upload Requirements
Individuals (Households and Renters) - 1 single month’s electric utility bill
Churches - 12 month’s electrical utility bills